The Eurosport Influence on Soccer in America
Soccer in America has come a long ways. Everything is at our fingertips with the sport now. It's on a plethora of channels, there are seemingly games on TV everyday or every other day. Leagues from around the world sit next to some of the biggest domestic American sports leagues. MLS continues to grow and attract some of the world's best players.
Let's not even get started on the next coupe of years with the World Cup ahead...
But it wasn't that long ago that soccer in America was vastly different than it is now. No MLS, few games on TV, an overall lack of interest from the general public - and in all honesty, a support that was heavily criticized.
The Eurosport Influence on Soccer in America
Not only during these dark times in American soccer were we unable to watch games, we also had incredibly limited access to soccer product from around the world. A lack of info around soccer and a gaping hole as fans and players wanting more access to the sport. The Eurosport catalog changed that.
Eurosport was a soccer catalog started by two brothers who played soccer in high school - Mike and Brendan Moylan. What started out as a high school project ultimately blossomed into what is now soccer.com. An American based soccer retailer that has become as powerful of a soccer specialty store as any.
I remember when I started getting the catalogue and the day it would arrive in the mail - well that was my day. I would take in every page, every piece of product and read whatever stories they had. I would circle everything I wanted my parents to buy for me (I was never really successful in convicing them me to buy me anything - but I could dream...). But it gave me my first real look at the sport that I loved and helped a young American soccer player get a glimpse of the global game at a time when that didn't exist.
It's hard to overestimate what Europsport and subsequently soccer.com have done for soccer in America. The product they have introduced us to. The stories they have shared. The connections they have driven between fans, players and the sport at large.
2024 marks 40 years since two brothers started Eurosport, and Mike and Brendan are still guiding the ship, building the brand and growing the sport.
Here's to another 40 years for them.